How to Enable Facebook Timeline right NOW
[ Update: Check out the new guide on How to Enable Facebook Timeline ]
In case you haven’t heard Facebook has in store a new major change: the Facebook Timeline:
It hasn’t been released to the general public yet but soon it will be enabled for everyone.
This guide is of course for the ones (just like me) who when they get an itch they really really need to scratch it! And as always the scratching comes regardless of the consequences! But more about this scratching on the next posts.
This one is just about the timeline enabling guide. So here we go:
Step 1. Prerequisites
First of all you will need to have a verified account on Facebook.
This means you will have to attach your phone number and/or credit card. If you don’t have that yet, you will be asked to do it during the process of getting the timeline enabled.
I suggest you choose adding the phone number. I verified my account long ago and I haven’t received any prank calls from Facebook employees (yet anyway).
Step 2. Enable the developer application
You will need to go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps, you will see something like that:
Click on.. Allow ;)
Step 3. Create a new Facebook Application
On the top right of the screen there is a button, Create New App:
Click on the button and you will see something like that:
The name’s not important, use anything you want, like Timeline Testing or… Sociable and Nice Rullz ;) (Don’t use Facebook or other general names)
Also fill in the Namespace with something (only lowercase, dashes and underlines allowed). Also it needs to be unique so you may have to try few options before it will work.
After that, you will have to complete the security check. Here you will also be prompted for that account verification I was telling you about. Type in your phone number and shortly you will receive a SMS from Facebook with an activation code.
Click OK and you will be proud owner of a Facebook Application. But no, you’re not finished and our journey is not over yet!
Step 4. Get Started with Open Graph
Don’t mind the name it’s not that complicated. In the main application screen, click on Open Graph (on the left side):
Step 5. Create an Action
You will have to create a bogus test action for your application, anything will do from watch a movie to.. hump a smurf. I went with the classical approach of Drink a Beer ;)
Step 6. Save your application
Click trough all the sections, just press Save Changes and Next! (Don’t bother with whatever settings are there, just make sure you click save on all tabs)
Step 7. Get the Timeline
And this is it! After all is saved, all you need to do is go back to your profile and you will get an invitation to try the new Facebook Timeline!!!
*** Few remarks:
Well, that’s all folks.. Hope you’ll enjoy the new Facebook Timeline!
[ Update: Check out the new guide on How to Enable Facebook Timeline ]
[ Also, a guide on how to use the new Facebook Timeline:
How to Use Facebook Timeline ]
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Consider this my way of thinking out loud and.. online.
And if there might still be any doubt about the sociable and nice part, I even have a page with cute kittens ;)
P.S. Depending on my mood, i will write in english (en) or romanian (ro)
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[...] How to Enable Facebook Timeline right NOW – Vectorash [...]
Well, I went through your multi-step, developer release, process (since the “magic button” did not appear when I tried to download Timeline the regular way) BUT that one didn’t work either. I kept clicking ahead, accepting everything, as you suggest, but the “get it now” button never appeared.
Thanks anyway, I’ll just have to wait for an invitation. So much negative feedback about it, but a friend who has it says “no big deal,” so I’ll go with her experience.
I understand, well they have several server, i guess the update did not reach the one where your account is.. It will come :)
how the should i disable this FB timeline..!! its pathetic..
plz help me!!!
Well unfortunately this is it. The timeline is going to stay, it’s going to be updated for everyone… No escape :)
dear .
just deactivate your facebook thats the first and last thing you can do .
and enjoy with orkut :D
why i cant even enable it? stupid timeline! :(
hey, this is the old guide, for the new one go to Enable The Facebook Timeline – Reloaded
Guess what I HATE IT! we should have the choice to change back how dare you its not fair I dont like the new timeline and i cant get rid of it now, its not in my apps ive deleted all of my apps and i still have timeline, and i cant contact anybody to get rid of it! i WANT MY OLD PROFILE BACK ITS MY FACEBOOK AND MY CHOICE!! you cannot force new profile changes onto people then not give them the bloody choice not to change it back YOUR BEING UNFAIR! I WANT MY OLD FACEBOOK PROFILE BACK PLEASE OR A WAY TO EMAIL FACEBOOK CUSTOMER CARE TO BE ABLE TO EMAIL THEM TO GET RID OF IT!!
It’s not my fault! I hate it too :))
Facebook is going to make it mandatory though, not a choice for the users..
facebook is being ridiculous and not user friendly at all.. they change from time to time and doesn”t care about users,
the more upgrades they make, the more users lose their interest…
big headed facebook got nerves cause they are the world’s major social site…hopefully another major site will come and less complicated
that one’s already here: google plus :P
i want Remove Timline
hello , how to deactive timeline ? help me 1 ,please , i dont like timeline , serious ,
Well unfortunately, the ONLY solution out there to Remove or Delete the Facebook Timeline:
f**k u timeline! i hate u
How do i remove this dumb Timeline from my FB.. HELP
Hate timeline! how to disable?? Messy Timeline!!
Well the only real solution “out there” to delete the new Facebook Timeline is unfortunately (or not) this one: http://www.vectorash.ro/how-to-disable-or-remove-facebook-timeline/
plz disable timeline.
I still don’t get the invitation to get timeline. What should I do?
P.S. I oppened my facebook account jst 3 days ago.
please help me i dont know how to get timeline. i did everything here and it didn’t work. and also the green “get it now”button is not showing up :(