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Happy Halloween from Google

Happy Halloween from Google - Vectorash.ro

Google has prepared for this Halloween a more unusual doodle. They’ve involved quite more of their mouse trigger happy staff to do a time-lapse video.

It only took them around 8 hours (one fun day at work) to carve into 6 giant pumpkins creating today’s Google Logo.

You can see here the time – lapse video:

The final result looks something like this:

Google Doodle Halloween 2011

I guess that beats your normal average desk job activities a bit..

Over the years, the Google doodles have always been a very fun and personalized way of user engagement. It made Google seem more human, more playful, more.. sociable and nice and less of a well corporate oiled machine. The first doodle ever was made in 1998 when Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin played with the logo to indicate their attendance at a festival and put a stick figure drawing:

googleburn - fist google doodle - vectorash.ro

After receiving a positive feedback from friends and users, not more than a little bit of an year later in 2000 they asked one of their interns,  Dennis Hwang to produce a doodle for Bastille Day:

Google Doodle Bastille Day

Happy with the result, they appointed the creator as the new Google’s chief doodler making these drawings a regular habit and celebrating different events, holidays and/or  personalities. Until today there were over 300 doodles made for Google.com (United States) and over 700 internationally made doodles.

People from all over the world are now submitting their creations and hoping it’s gonna be selected and viewed by billions of people!

I’m just waiting now for a “Vectorash – Sociable and Nice” Google doodle!

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Consider this my way of thinking out loud and.. online.
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