
How to Enable Facebook Timeline – Reloaded

Enable Facebook Timeline Part 2 -
Well you might remember over a month or 2 ago Facebook started to brag about their groovy new feature the Facebook Timeline.

For the eager beavers out there I wrote a small guide about How to enable the Facebook Timeline (at that time).

Meanwhile Facebook dragged us along for some time with this, telling us it’s not yet ready. If you ask me that entire platform of theirs is not ready but that never stoped them..


Either way they are now finally up and willing to let the entire world have their shinny new Timeline.

And if the last guide had 7 easy steps to get the Timeline, this new improved one lets you do it with just 2 clicks! So let’s go:

Step 1. Activate Timeline

Go the Facebook Timeline presentation page. And all you have to do is click on “Get Timeline“:

Enable Facebook Timeline - Step 1


This will enable your Facebook Timeline (7 – Day Preview). It means you have 7 days to edit, to hide compromising pictures, delete posts you made while drunk, kinda “put your best foot forward“!

You may scroll down and do that if you’re worried what your Facebook friends might find, better to be safe than.. sorry!


Step 3. Publish Now!

You may go ahead and publish this damn Timeline already, just click on the top of the page on the “Publish Now” button:

Enable Facebook Timeline - Step 2

You can always edit your posts and timeline after doing that whenever you want.

And ta daaa, that was it, now feel free and stalk your other friends that have the damn Facebook Timeline enabled.

[ Update: Check out the new guide on
How to Disable or Remove Facebook Timeline ]

[ Also, learn how to use and secure the new Facebook Timeline:
How to Use Facebook Timeline ]


36 Comments + Add Comment

  • Thanks for the post, but till now I don’t see this button at all. This may take some times to visit my town.

    • It will soon appear, Facebook is releasing the new Timeline world wide!

      • When I log out, the green button appears but when I log in, it disappears. I like the Timeline and want it. Do you know what I can do?

        • Nothing yet, give it a lil time, and you will be able to update.

  • Hi,
    How can i undo the timeline option? I Don’t like it :)

    • Yeah I agree with you, unfortunatelly you can’t, Facebook will soon make this mandatory!

  • but how do you take it OFF

  • Please help me to delete this TIMELINE CRAB FROM MY FB :( I DONT KNOW WHAT I VE TO DO :(

    • Unfortunately you can not remove the new Facebook Timeline. They will soon make it mandatory for everyone. For Facebook it matters not if we want it or not..

      • Yes vector but already more than 10 days but im not even can get the things that you guys talk about !!! also i try use G+ i cant make a new account :(
        help me please.. I HATE TIME LINE

  • time line is super annoying i would like to remove it, does anyone know how?

  • How to change my wall into timeline?

  • “Get Timeline“ is not there. Tried 3 browsers. It didn’t work on my mom’s account but I was able to do it on mine. Help!

    • Hmm, in this case it means the update is not ready for your mom :) Her account might be on a server that didn’t got the update yet.
      You can wait, or you can follow the old guide, that will enable the timeline: How To Get The New Facebook Timeline Now!

  • hey so ive tried many ways to get timeline but i dont see the green button thats says “get timeline now” but my cousin logged in her FB and went to timeline nd saw the green button, im wondering is it because i just made my FB on sunday or is it true that they only allowed certain people to have it?

    • It’s not about certain people. Facebook has a lot of servers, and i think because you made yours recently you are on a server that doesn’t have the new update.
      In this case you have to use the old guide: How to Enable Facebook Timeline – old version

      It should work for you!

  • I don’t know if you people are retarted or just plain stupid whatthe whole lot of us it trying to tell you is that there is no DAMN green button on the timeline page get it NO GREEN BUTTON!!!!
    Yes tried different browsers yes tried different computers even tried without internet security yes made sure my operating system is up to date but STILL NO GREEN BOTTON THAT SAY GET TIMELINE NOW!!!! Hope now you can understand tried to use plain English!

    • I understand your frustration my friend, but I don’t work for Facebook ;) It’s not about your browser or system or internet security. If this guide doesn’t work for you and neither does the old one ( ) than you are just out of luck.

      You might have to wait until the Facebook Timeline update rolls out to your account also. You’re not really missing anything..

    • I have the same problem. I go to a friend’s timeline’s and there is no “get timeline” button, only “learn more”. Same goes for the introducting timeline page. I can read about it the timeline on the intro page but no “get timeline” button. My spouse has a account and had no problems getting the timeline. I guess the timeline is not available to all users yet.

      • It’s a facebook problem, they have different servers that need to be updated. Soon you will get the new timeline, don’t worry.. there’s no escape :)

  • All my friends have got timeline and I think it’s brilliant. I’m sooo p*****d off I can’t find the magic green button. I’ve just joinedf FB and it’s so time consuming to set up everything just si, I really don’t want to do it twice.

    • Yes I saw more people with this problem, apparently there isn’t much you can do. But trust me, you will miss the “old” Facebook!

  • Does anybody know how to contact Facebook to ask them to make timeline available?

    • You can go to the Facebook Help section, but it won’t do much good, i wrote on several occasions and never got even a hint of an answer!

  • still not showing up for me

  • So there is no way at all to disable timeline??? We’re just frckn stuck with it and that’s that???

    • Unfortunately yes.. the brand Pages have all been updated to the Timeline, and I think soon all the profiles will follow!

  • I want to get time line on my facebook account . I can,t see get time line . how can I get it? please help me.

    • just give it a lil bit of time, you will be allowed to update it. Now there isn’t anything else you can do.

      • What is Facebook’s problem. They let the older users have timeline, but not the new ones? I have been a user for a couple of weeks now and I still cannot access timeline. Do you know what the deal is?

        • Hey, all new users have been facing with this problem. Of course Facebook gave no official explanation or help. But I can imagine they want to ensure that active users will get the new timeline format. That’s why new users don’t have it yet.

          I can’t give you an exact time frame, the only thing you can do is wait a bit (more) and you will get the pesky new timeline :)

  • I just signed up for a new Facebook, and I am not able to get a timeline now. I don’t see no get it now or any announcement. How can I have a timeline now like my family and friends have.

    • Hey yeah, the timeline is not yet available for new users. But don’t worry, just wait a lil bit and you will get the option to update.

  • It seems that Facebook timeline isn’t activated for the new Facebook users, especially if the account is there for at least a week, or when a new Facebook account is just created moments ago. Still cannot see the Get timeline green button.

  • I had to log out of fb while soon after i clicked on the ‘get timeline now’ that was displayed on my of my friends fb probile, so i couldnt publish it. but whenever i log into my account, i can see the timeline but my friends still see my old profile. i cant find the ‘publish now’ button anywhere although i can edit my cover photo and everything. please Help! (ps. its bn almost 7 days now)

    • Well don’t worry about it, if you made all the changes, the timeline will be published automatically, you can’t really stop it.

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