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The Internet Idiot

The Internet Idiot I’m writing this post to raise awareness about an issue that affects all of us. It’s not breaking news, it goes on for tens of years, but I think people have just forgot or don’t care anymore.

So BEWARE: Besides radiation exposure, city destroying earthquakes and flooding tsunamis there is another strong menace out there: the Internet Idiot!
This severe condition has spread widely, it has infiltrated our world for a long time. Pay attention, it can be anyone near you, a friend, family, a colleague, a coworker or it can even be.. YOU!

You need to watch out for this person, it’s your civic duty to put a stop to his or hers disruptive actions.
They need to be educated at once, or put out of their misery (and ours).

How can you tell if you are dealing with an Internet Idiot, or if you actually are one?!
Here’s a simple list:

  1. Have you ever used one or more of the expressions: “Where is the Internet?” “How do I open the Internet?” “Can I copy the Internet?”
    “What does google-it means?” “What’s the link for Google?”
  2. When you “open the Internet” your browser is Internet Explorer, it looks like this:
    Internet Explorer

    Severe Warning: if it’s not only Internet Explorer but actually Internet Explorer 6:
    Internet Explorer 6

    than this is the end, your condition is too severe. You need to follow these steps at once:

    • – close this page (do read all of the instructions before.. duh! )
    • – rip the Internet cable
    • – call your Internet provider (people you pay for Internet) and cancel your subscription
    • – choose a suited profession like construction worker, cleaning lady, maid or sex toy.

      If you happened to choose sex toy please fill in your contact information here

    • – never try to use the Internet again!
  3. You have an email address but you don’t know what it is
  4. Any of your profile pictures involves a mirror, a cell phone and sun glasses.
  5. You think that Facebook is the new version of Hi5
  6. You have a Facebook account but don’t know what the “wall” is
  7. You have ever lost your messenger id or yahoo account because you wrote your user and password in a look a like yahoo page someone sent you
  8. One or all of your passwords is “password”
  9. You’ve ever clicked on a banner with a pretty girl saying “find women near you that want to have sex” or you are our lucky winner, click here to collect your prize..
  10. You’re even a bigger Internet Idiot if you actually left your e-mail address of any of those web sites.
  11. You don’t know how to send an e-mail with an attachment
  12. You sent by mistake a compromising picture of you or a message to a client/boss/co-worker instead of a friend
  13. You think a hacker will steal your boring vacation pictures at the country side!
  14. Your profile picture for anything is Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie or that lame actor of that lame vampire Eclipse movies
  15. You think Facebook or Yahoo will close your account if you don’t send some message to 10 or something of your friends!

Has this happened to you?! Don’t despair, acceptance is the first step in finding the cure!

Do you have more examples of what an Internet Idiot does? Drop a comment here.

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6 Comments + Add Comment

  • Hahaha! I absolutely love this post! So true! But you know that Internet Explorer’s new version is just perfect – it really comes in handy if you want to download a real browser like Mozilla or Chrome. After that it crashes… :D

  • Haahahahahahah You are so Funny Victor! Im becoming fun of your blog! hahahaha
    Challenge: Can you read my blog in portuguese???? :)))

  • Thanks Tassia :)

    I can read it, but I understand parts of it :P :)

  • hahaha, Very good article to read….

  • i have IE 6(which says M.I.E)…..but i used it only for windows updates.
    my pc is quite i dont want to install IE 8 cause it’ll be slower..
    to explore the web and stuff im using FIREFOX but a little old version.
    am i good??
    any suggestions??

    • Hey, I suggest you use Google Chrome, it’s fast, light, easy to install and use :)

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