30 (almost) reasons why I miss Brazil
1. I used to think I was working a lot (and complaining about it of course).. now I barely have time even for that (complaining I mean)
2. I used to wish to find time to sleep (Now I kinda still do.. but for all the wrong reasons:)) )
3. I miss telling people to ask Jin for his full name.. and see his reaction
30 I just miss Brazil
eXchange… what is that?
Few days ago I was asked to write few words about my experience, about what a traineeship is about.
The presentation was for AIESEC Belo Horizonte, so I got a free moment and I started thinking about this, out loud [...]
Sao Paolo si Conade 2008 (4)
Salutare Romania,
Datorita timpului scurt si sefului ce se tot plimba prin spatele meu mormaind… o sa va scriu doar cateva cuvinte.
Sunt proaspat intors de la cea mai mare conferinta nationala in Brazilia [...]
Noi veniti si alte noutati (3)
Salutare Romania,
Si cum a trecut ceva vreme, m-am gandit sa mai dau un semn de viata, asa sa nu ma dati disparut :)
Multe schimbari nu au intervenit, acelasi job acelasi oras, am schimbat insa gazda. De unde stateam din mijlocu’ junglei (exagerez… dar nu asa mult) m-am mutat acum [...]
Carnaval (2)
Salutare Romania,
Avand in vedere ca vorbesc mai rar romana si majoritatea timpului cu mine, impreuna cu o dispozitie spre aberare m-a determinat sa umplu cateva pagini despre carnaval, cine e interesant, e invitatul meu.
“E carnaval, e foliaaa !!!” [...]
Un Hello de departe (1)
Salutare Romania,
Scuze de intarzierea trimiterii unui semn de viata, dar nu a fost usor sa gasesc timpul.
Cu greu apuc acum sa-mi trag suflu’ :)
Asa ca daca aveti de gand sa cititi va sugerez sa va inarmati cu ceva rabdare, ca desi nu o sa intru in detalii sunt multe de zis … Le urez succes curajosilor! [...]
Consider this my way of thinking out loud and.. online.
And if there might still be any doubt about the sociable and nice part, I even have a page with cute kittens ;)
P.S. Depending on my mood, i will write in english (en) or romanian (ro)
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