Browsing articles tagged with " Brazil "
en // Posts // Stuff

Brazilian Carnival and.. Romania

Brazil VS Romania -

In Brazil the party is here, the Carnival started, and we are freezing our ass(ets) here in Romania.. the land of ice age!

Enjoy my first 9GAG Meme!

en // Posts // Stuff

30 (almost) reasons why I miss Brazil

Sociable And Nice In Brazil

1. I used to think I was working a lot (and complaining about it of course).. now I barely have time even for that (complaining I mean)

2. I used to wish to find time to sleep (Now I kinda still do.. but for all the wrong reasons:)) )

3. I miss telling people to ask Jin for his full name.. and see his reaction
30 I just miss Brazil

Welcome to Sociable and Nice with a blog :)

Consider this my way of thinking out loud and.. online.
And if there might still be any doubt about the sociable and nice part, I even have a page with cute kittens ;)

P.S. Depending on my mood, i will write in english (en) or romanian (ro)
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