Browsing articles tagged with " Google Plus Pages "

Google Plus Business Pages Released

Google Plus Business Pages -

The long expected Google+ Pages for Business have just been released!

A lot of people (including my sociable and nice self) from marketers and business owners to plain simple users were highly excited expecting this new feature from the first launch of Google+.

The outcome proved to be a bit.. ah well, disappointing!

Google Plus-Business Pages

The long expected Google+ Pages for Business have just been released!

Welcome to Sociable and Nice with a blog :)

Consider this my way of thinking out loud and.. online.
And if there might still be any doubt about the sociable and nice part, I even have a page with cute kittens ;)

P.S. Depending on my mood, i will write in english (en) or romanian (ro)
Now feel free to use the "+1" feature for Google:
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